Mar 27, 2019
In this episode I talk about my mission which is very simple. I want to help people see food differently, remove the fear, remove the "on" vs "off" & "good" vs "bad" food and diet mentality. I also want people to realise that fitness doesn't end so there is no outcome, so if you hate the process you will hate fitness...
Mar 21, 2019
In this episode we talk about Brian's 230km run through the Arctic, personal development through physical suffering, the positive effect on peoples lives and how it beats potential negativity ...all amongst other deep and insightful conversation.
Brian's website to reach his socials, book and #1 podcast..
Mar 11, 2019
In this episode I take a handful of questions directly from my e-mails including...
1.Where is the line between telling clients the truth and possibly offending them?
2.How do you stay motivated for long-term goals in wet and cold weather?
3. How do you find a balance in life where food and guilt don't control and...
Mar 6, 2019
Another inspirational client of mine, Stephen , sharing his journey to losing 100 pounds whilst working with me over the last 6 months.
Check his Instagram here: Steves weight loss
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Mar 1, 2019
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