Oct 29, 2018
It is my personal belief that most people struggle with actually enjoying certain foods without feeling guilt than they do knowledge. Rather than condescending people with generic advice have a listen as to why it's more practical to simply not push the fuck it button. Something many people do repeatedly year after...
Oct 21, 2018
In this episode I talk about taking responsibility for your own social media consumption and how people in your life react to change in yours!
Let me know what you thought of the episode or have a browse...
Instagram: pauldermodypt
Facebook: Paul Dermody
Youtube: Paul Dermody
To chat about my real passion in life,...
Oct 14, 2018
This is an anecdotal story I had the other night about enjoying a treat, stopping when full and actually listening to your body. A lot of the reason that people never see the shape they want is nothing to do with knowledge and is everything to do with this very mindset.
Let me know what you thought of the episode or...
Oct 11, 2018
Self-consciousness and insecurity often stop us from taking the first step in any journey, unaware taking the first step is the variable of starting to deal with them. We all have them. Don't worry about them. Know your strengths because there may not be many. But own your insecurities, or else let them dominate...
Oct 5, 2018
In this episode I talk to Danny Lennon of Sigma Nutrition. We talk about..
1. Successful and rational nutrition approaches to coaching
2. General fatloss for normal people
3. Danny's beliefs on a well-rounded mentality towards life and food.
Find Danny here..
Instagram @dannylennon_sigma
Website Sigam Nutrition