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The Paul Dermody Podcast

Jun 20, 2023

Your personal values are the driver of your nutrition decisions. They help you make the right decision for the right context. Diet conditioning reduces foods to weight loss only. "Good" and "bad". Values help you make autonomous decisions confidently. You will never not love the things you love. The main difference between "good" and "bad" is not the food itself, but whether decisions are made mindfully or mindlessly. If you're looking to break up with dieting, values are a seriously good place to start.

You may be interested in checking out Paul's blog post on his website

With over 6000 hours of 1 to 1 Personal Training behind him, Paul transitioned into the online space over 6 years ago. He specializes in helping you find calmness and joy in food, understand your core food values and how to apply it all to your life successfully.

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